AUGUST, 2021
The latest version of the KASTA app has some exciting new features and improvements!
- You can now set up KASTA mesh networks completely via Bluetooth, without the need for an active WiFi connection at the site. Refer to the attached instructions for how to upload the BLE local mesh to the Cloud at a later date of your choosing (this will need to be completed when WiFi is available). This feature is great for new builds – making life easier when WiFi is not available or unstable).
- We’ve introduced the capability to check individual device firmware in the Settings of the app, this will enable our Technical Support team to assist you over the phone, and therefore more efficiently.
- Landscape orientation is now supported on both Android and iOS tablet devices.

We are committed to focusing on continuous R&D, and highly value any feedback we receive so that we are able to deliver real solutions that enhance your overall experience.
We hope you enjoy these latest improvements to the KASTA app and look forward to releasing the next set of enhanced functionalities to you!